Health Days 2021

World Hearing Day


World Hearing Day is an annual global event that takes place on the 3rd of March of every year. It aims to raise awareness of hearing loss, promote ear and hearing care, and call for action to address hearing loss, and other relevant problems. 
The theme of the 2021 World Hearing Day is (Hearing Care for All!). The whole world is called to pay more attention to hearing loss as well as other ear diseases in all stages of life.
Basic Messages: 
  • Good hearing and communication are important at all stages of life.
  • Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be avoided through preventative actions such as: protection against loud sounds; good ear care practices and immunization. 
  • Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be addressed when it is identified in a timely manner and appropriate care sought. 
  • People at risk of hearing loss should check their hearing regularly.
  • People having hearing loss (or related ear diseases) should seek care from a health care provider.
Official Date:
Globally: 3/3/2021
Locally: 19/7/1442H.

(Hearing Care for All!)
World Health Organization (WHO)

Last Update : 20 February 2022 03:02 PM
Reading times :