World Thalassemia Day 2011 will take place on May 8thto raise awareness about the disease and emphasize methods of prevention, treatment and other important information. The theme for World Thalassemia Day is “Our Information is our Power” and the main focus is to raise the awareness of patients and their families about the disease, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.
Official Date
May 8, 2011, corresponding to Jamadi Thani 4, 1432 H.
World Thalassemia Day’s 2011 Theme:
“Our Information is Our Power”
- Thalassemia patients and their families
- Healthcare providers
- Healthcare decision-makers
- Raise public awareness about Thalassemia
- Communicate knowledge about the disease, complications, treatment and prevention to Thalassemia patients
- Support Thalassemia patients to cope with the disease
- Encourage Thalassemia patients to cooperate in raising other people’s awareness about the disease
- Encourage and support studies and research for continuous improvement in treatment, medical care and methods of prevention
- Exchange information, experience and expertise with other countries which adopt successful programs for controlling such diseases
- Ensure equal access for Thalassemia patients to the required healthcare
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