General FAQs


    Can companies access the data? And what are the requirements for updating information?
    What is a Health Cluster?
    Health Sector Transformation Goals
    Job Diversity and Career Choices
    A Work Environment That Provokes Competency and Creativity
    Employees’ Rules and Arrangements
    You Are the Foundation for Transformation Journey
    Can I create a list of my favorite services?
    Can I inquire about my transaction at the Ministry of Health online?
    Are there any specialized electronic services to improve the quality of healthcare services?
    Are there any specialized services for private health facilities?
    Can I verify medical examination results of expatriate manpower online?
    Can I participate in the Hajj season to serve pilgrims?
    Is there a special service for the elderly, people with disabilities and the like?
    Can I get an appointment through a website or application without visiting a healthcare center or hospital?
    • Is there an alert or reminder service for child vaccinations?
    Can I get acquainted with the status of a treatment abroad request?
    How can I be updated on general medical topics, disease prevention methods and other health-related information?
    How can I inquiry about Travel Ban?
    How can I get contact numbers for MOH Directorates?
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Last Update : 02 September 2024 04:34 PM
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