Oral and dental health is regarded as an integral part of public health, negatively or positively getting affected by it and affecting it. Since the incidence rate of the oral and dental diseases in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, particularly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, greatly surpasses the developed and developing states alike, concerted efforts are required to reduce the incidence rate of these diseases, especially tooth decay, among children of the GCC states.
Realizing the significance of the oral and dental health, the GCC health ministers have issued the decision No. 4 at the 65th conference of the GCC Health Ministers Council, held in Geneva on May 21st, 2008. This decision provides for a number of items, mainly is to approve the Gulf plan of the oral and dental health care, submitted by the GCC Oral Health Committee.
In this context, GCC Oral Health Committee, under the supervision of the Executive Office of the GCC Health Ministers Council, has sought to develop plans and programs to contribute to protecting community from oral and dental diseases. The GCC oral and dental healthcare plan has been developed as a scientific and practical guide for member states.
Facts about Oral and Dental Health in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
The percentage of dental caries among Saudi children for certain age groups is as follows:
Six years of age is 96%
Twelve years of age is 93.7%
Official Date:
- Globally: March 25th-31st, 2018
- Locally: Rajab 8th-14th, 1439H.
Theme of GCC Oral Health Unified Week:
"Teeth: Health and Beauty"
Target Group:
- Children.
- Parents.
- The public.
- Doctors and dental technicians.
- Health professionals, societies and decision-makers.
Objectives and Health Messages:
- Educate community members, particularly children and parents, on the importance and ways of taking care of oral and dental health.
- Activate the role of community organizations in supporting and implementing the preventive programs.
- Activate the preventive role of the workforce in dentistry field.
- Engage health service providers in implementing the oral and dental health prevention programs.
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