Health Days 2012

World Environment Day
   Every year, on June 5th, the world celebrates the World Environment Day, generally reckoned one of the major occasions on which the World Health Organization (WHO) sheds light on the environment and its issues, seeking to enhance public interest in environment-related issues.
This year's World Environment Day commemorates the 40th anniversary of event first launched by the UN General Assembly in 1972, by organizing Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The theme of this year's Day is: “Green Economy: Does it include you?” It places particular emphasis on the improvement of people's living conditions, and the adoption of justice and equality, along with diminishing environmental risks and increasing the proficiency of human resources.
Internationally Approved Date: 5/6/2012
Locally Approved Date: 15/7/1433 H
Theme of the World Environment Day 2012:
 “Green Economy: Does it include you?”
Targeted Groups:
  • Schools.
  • Health policy-makers.
  • Associations, societies and organizations interested in environmental issues.
  • The public.
Major Health Messages:
  • Addressing environmental issues from a humanitarian perspective.
  • Encouraging and enabling people to be more effecting in the development of human resources.
  • Promoting understanding in local communities; this plays a substantial role in changing people's conceptions and attitudes towards environmental issues.
  • Prompting the partnership that ensures all peoples the right to have a better, safer and more prosperous future.
 World Environment Day 2012.png

Last Update : 05 June 2012 11:19 AM
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