Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency from person to person. Symptoms may occur several times in a day or week in affected individuals, and for some people become worse during physical activity or at night. During an asthma attack, the lining of the bronchial tubes swell, causing the airways to narrow and reducing the flow of air into and out of the lungs. Asthma is an incommunicable disease, and its recurrent symptoms frequently cause sleeplessness, daytime fatigue, reduced activity levels and school and work absenteeism. Asthma has a relatively low fatality rate compared to other chronic diseases. To date, there are about 300.000.000 asthma patients around the world. On the domestic level, studies show that the incidence of asthma within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranges from 15 to 25 per cent, varying from one region to another.
The World Asthma Day is celebrated throughout the world every year on the 1st of May. This year's Day is held under the theme: “You Can Control Your Asthma”, in pursuit of raising awareness of both patients, their families and the entire community on how to avoid and treat asthma.
How to Control Asthma?
- Living without (or with the least possible) symptoms.
- Avoiding waking up due to exposure to asthma attacks.
- Avoiding the need to take pain-killers.
- Maintaining the pulmonary functions normal, or almost normal.
- Avoiding exposure to asthma attacks, or reducing their recurrence to the least level possible.
Internationally Approved Date: 1/5/2012
Locally Approved Date: 10/6/1433H
Theme of the International Day:
“You Can Control Your Asthma”
Sound treatment and prevention of asthmatic irritants keep you away from complications.
Targeted Groups:
- Children and adults suffering from asthma.
- Patients' families.
- Health workers (doctors, pharmacists, nurses and health educationists).
- Education workers (teachers, social workers, etc.).
- Health decision-makers.
- Health associations and institutions.
- The public.
Objectives and General Mission of the World Asthma Day 2012:
- The number of asthma severe and hospitalized cases increases when patients become unable to overcome asthma attacks. This, accordingly, increases the incidence of asthma, and its mortality, throughout the world.
- Making every effort to control and reduce the number of asthma hospitalized patients by 50% over the five years ahead.
- Asthma affects patients' daily life, reduces the level of physical activity, and, accordingly, increases absence from school or work.
- Death is the unavoidable end of asthma if not well controlled.
Obstacles of Overcoming Asthma:
- Some asthma patients suffer from the lack of appropriate diagnosis, owing to the poor health services provided, or the patient's poor health awareness.
- The high cost and unavailability of medicines are the most impeding obstacles.
- Lack of health awareness on the nature of the disease, how to use the medicine; in addition to the emergence of some erroneous concepts on medicines.
- Exposure to asthma irritants and triggers in the surrounding environment (such as smoking, pollution, etc.).
There are four elements indispensible for overcoming asthma:
- Cooperation and coordination between the patient and his/her doctor.
- Pinpointing the asthma irritants in the patient's surrounding environment and reducing exposure to them.
- Evaluating the patient's case and developing a proper therapeutic plan.
- Paying close attention to asthma attacks and working to overcome them.
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