Health Days 2019

World Immunization Week


World Immunization Week, celebrated in the last week of April each year, aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people against diseases.

Why immunization matters?
  • To maintain people’s health, and protect them against preventable diseases.
  • To prevent disease-related complications, including paralysis (or monoplegia), hearing loss, or brain damage.
  • To maintain the public health, and control diseases in the community.

Official Date:
  • Globally: April 24th to 30th, 2019
  • Locally: Sha‘ban 19th to 25th, 1440H.

  • Demonstrate the value of vaccines for the health of children, communities, and the whole world.
  • Redress the misconception/myths about immunization.

«Protected Together: Vaccines Work!» 


Last Update : 25 March 2019 02:10 PM
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