World AIDS Day 2013
The World AIDS Day is celebrated each year on the 1st of December, with a view to encouraging people all over the world to promote awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, as well as stimulating international cooperation to combat this hazardous disease. The day is reckoned a window of opportunity for partners from the public and private sectors to raise people's awareness and take palpable preventive and curative steps in all countries, especially those with high AIDS incidence.
Over the past three decades, AIDS has led to the death of more than 25 million people. During 2012, 35.3 million people were suffering from AIDS/HIV.
Key Facts:
- From 1984 to 2012, the total detected cases of AIDS have reached 18.762; 5.348 cases of whom were Saudis, whereas 13.414 were non-Saudis.
- In 2012, 1.233 new cases of AIDS were detected; 431 of whom were Saudis, whereas 802 were non-Saudis.
- There is a notable decrease in detected cases of AIDS among Saudis by 6.1% compared to the detected cases in 2011; and by 1.8% compared to 2010.
- In 2012, the ratio of Saudi men to Saudi women amid AIDS detected and recorder cases was about 1:5.
- In 2012, the age group (15-49 years) of the Saudi AIDS detected cases compromises 74%; i.e. 319 cases out of 431.
Internationally Approved Date: 1/12/2013
Locally Approved Date: 28/1/1435 H
Theme of World AIDS day 2012:
(HIV treatment works! Treat More, Treat Better)
Targeted Groups:- People living with AIDS and those merely suspected to HIV/AIDS.
- Workers in the health sector.
- Health organizations and societies.
- Health decision-makers.
- The public.
Objectives and General Messages of World AIDS Day:- Monitoring the surveillance of HIV/AIDS at a global level, and the provision of treatment and related protection services.
- Setting policies and providing standard and technical guidelines to assist countries to strengthen interventions in the health sector to combat HIV/AIDS.
- Providing the necessary support to countries, including improving the capability of health workers and training them.
- Providing drugs, diagnostic tools, and other means necessary to combat HIV/AIDS and to ensure an adequate supply of them.
- Inviting all stakeholders at the global level to pay more attention to the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS and to demonstrate greater commitment to fighting it.
- Fighting discrimination against AIDS patients.
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