Health Days 2012

World AIDS Day
   The World AIDS Day is celebrated each year on the 1st of December, with a view to encouraging people all over the world to promote awareness of the AIDS/HIV pandemic, as well as stimulating international cooperation to combat this hazardous disease. The day is reckoned a window of opportunity for partners from the public and private sectors to raise people's awareness and take palpable preventive and curative steps in all countries, especially those with high AIDS incidence (morbidity and mortality).
According to the estimates of the World Health Organization in 2008, there are 33.3 million people living with HIV. During 2008, some 2.6 million people were affected by the virus, whereas the number of AIDS deaths, over the same year, has mounted to 1.8 million persons.
It is worth mentioning that eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa now account for almost one-third of all new HIV/AIDS infections and deaths at the global scale.
AIDS in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
  • The cumulative number of all AIDS cases detected since 1984 until the end of 2010 amounted to 16334 cases, out of which 4458 cases are Saudis and 11876 cases are non-Saudis.
  • The number of new AIDS cases detected in 2010 amounted to 1121 cases, 439 of them are Saudis and 682 are non-Saudis. Thus, the number of Saudi cases has declined in 2010 by 9%, compared to the number of cases detected in 2009, and by 13% compared to the previous year (2008).
  • The proportion of men and women affected by the virus in 2010, among Saudis, is 4:1 respectively.
  • Among Saudis, the age group (15-49 years old) of those infected by HIV/AIDS in 2010 makes up 83% (362 out of 439 cases).
AIDS Transmission among Saudis in 2010:
  • Sexual relations make up the most dangerous mode of infection transmission (93% - 408 out of 439 cases), followed by drug abuse through syringes (5% - 23 cases), followed by transmission from an infected mother to the fetus (2% - 8 cases). 
Causes of the detection of AIDS cases among Saudis: Most detected cases are Saudis due to:
  • Suspected symptoms and indications (44%).
  • Premarital tests and examinations (12%).
  • Examining those in contact (9%).
  • Examining prisoners (9%).
  • Examining blood donors (3%).
Causes of the detection of AIDS cases among non-Saudis:
  • Unknown reason (21%).
  • Suspected cases (19%).
  • On renewing residence (17%).
  • Examining prisoners (12%).
  • Obtaining residence (10%).
  • Jeddah is still the province of highest AIDS incidence in the Kingdom, with 29% Saudis and 38% non-Saudis, in spite of the notable decline of incidence over the past years.
Internationally Approved Date: 1/12/2012
Locally Approved Date: 17/1/1434H
Theme of the World AIDS Day 2012:    
“Getting to Zero: Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related Deaths”
Targeted Categories:
  • People living with AIDS and those merely suspected of HIV or AIDS.
  • Workers in the health sector.
  • Health organizations and societies.
  • Health decision-makers.
  • The public.
Objectives and Mission of the World AIDS Day:
  • Strengthening national, regional and global structures and networks for improved monitoring and surveillance of HIV/AIDS.
  • Providing universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
  • Setting policies and provide standard and technical guidelines to assist countries to strengthen interventions in the health sector to combat HIV/AIDS.
  • Providing the necessary support to countries, including building capacity of health workers and training them.
  • Delivery of drugs, diagnostic tools, and other means necessary to combat HIV/AIDS and to ensure an adequate supply of them.
  • Inviting all stakeholders at the global level to pay more attention on the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS and to demonstrate greater commitment to fight it.
Related Links:
 For more information, click here.
Last Update : 12 December 2012 11:30 AM
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