Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is not one single disease but an umbrella term used to describe chronic lung diseases, most notably bronchitis and emphysema.
The World COPD Day is basically meant to raise patients' health awareness of this disease. An estimated 64 million people have COPD right now, due to risk factor which increase the threat of the incidence of this disease, such as smoking, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and exposure to dust and chemicals at work places. WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030.
Health workers and patients, from all over the world, are participating with certain health and health-awareness activities within the framework of this day organized by the Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, under the theme: “It's Not Too Late”. The day is basically centered on the importance of effectively maintaining his health, especially his lung health, both before and after the incidence of COPD.
Internationally Approved Date: 14/11/2012
Locally Approved Date: 29/12/1433H
Theme of the World COPD Day 2012:
“It's Not Too Late.”
Targeted Groups:
- Low and middle classes.
- The elderly (40 years and over).
- Children with recurrent disorders and inflammations in the pulmonary system.
- Smokers.
- Workers of chemical industries.
- Workers of the health sector and health societies.
Objectives and General Messages of the World COPD Day 2012:
- Raising awareness of this world epidemic.
- Providing and preparing healthy environments, especially for the poor and needy.
- Reducing the potentiality of the incidence of common chronic diseases, by avoiding such risk factors as smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.
- Preventing the incidence of early paralysis or death owing to COPD.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) was developed in response to the globalization of the tobacco epidemic, with the aim to protect billions of people from harmful exposure to tobacco. It is the first global health treaty negotiated by World Health Organization, and has been ratified by more than 167 countries.
WHO also leads the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD), a voluntary alliance of national and international organizations, institutions, and agencies working towards the common goal of reducing the global burden of chronic respiratory diseases. Its vision is a world where all people breathe freely. GARD focuses specifically on the needs of low- and middle-income countries and vulnerable populations.
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