Every Hajj pilgrim requested to equip his Medical Bag to perform his religious duties in health and wellbeing and to deal with any medical emergency, God forbid, during the performance of rituals.
There are two types of drugs should be available in the bag, as follows:
First: Generic Medicines:It is the medicines needed by the Hajj pilgrim when he needed to be cured of an ailment, namely:- Antipyretic and analgesic such as paracetamol (Panadol, Fevadol ... and other analgesics).
- Antitussive and expectorant
- Creams and Vaseline and powder for use in case of exfoliation.
- Creams and ointments to avoid muscle weakness which occurs as a result of fatigue and walking.
- Gauze, absorbent cotton and antiseptic.
- Creams for wounds and burns.
- Laxatives for constipation.
- Treatment of diarrhea.
- Antibiotics after consulting the doctor.
- Antacid.
Second: Specific Medicines:The medicines needed by patients of chronic diseases, including (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and asthma).
The patient must be careful to bring sufficient quantities of medication with him (enough for 3 days) in anticipation of travel conditions - God forbid -.
Hajj pilgrim must not forget to check the expiry date of the medicines before placing them in the bag.
pilgrim must be careful to preserve these drugs and choose the right place to save them from the sun warm.
A patient with diabetes should make sure to bring cooler bag (Coleman) with him, he shouldn't forget to bring his blood sugar monitoring equipment to avoid any sudden spikes or falls in sugar levels.