Hajj News

Minister of Health Acclaims the Scouts' Efforts in Serving Pilgrims
07 November 2011
   His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, has met with a large group scouts who have been voluntarily enlisted for the MOH health facilities spread out in (and in the surroundings of) the Holy Places. In this meeting, Dr. Al-Rabeeah has acclaimed their efforts in serving the pilgrims receiving treatment at these facilities.
A number of scouts volunteering for the service of pilgrims for the first time (basically secondary-school students from Hail), have expressed their overwhelming pleasure to be at the service of the 'guests of Allah' in the MOH hospitals and health centers throughout the Holy Places.
In this very context, Tarik Abdulhadi Rushaydan, 18 years old, has affirmed his involvement in serving pilgrims will help a great deal in getting familiarized with the work environment in hospitals, insomuch as he has been considering studying medicine in the future.
For his part, Mansour Hamad, 17 years old, said that since he was assigned for serving pilgrims, he could not wait to move to the Holy places, to be honored with the service of the guests of Allah, especially patients.
Likewise, Abdullah Dahham Al-Rashidi, a seventeen-year-old secondary-school student, said that his feeling towards this holy duty is beyond description, and that he has been always longing for Allah's reward for serving diseased pilgrims, being friendly with them, and endeavoring to do all that should make their Hajj safe and healthy.
Whereas Moa'az Abdullah Al-Mutairi, 16 years old, has emphasized that his participation would be very beneficial to him in many ways: experiencing the Hajj environment, being recompensed for serving pilgrims, and getting familiarized with the work environment in hospitals insomuch as he was really considering studying medicine too – to mention just few benefits.
It is worth mentioning that 400 scouts have been enlisted for work at the MOH facilities in the Holy Places during this Hajj season. They are assigned to undertake many tasks, including regulating access to clinics, guiding diseased patients, especially the elderly, along to clinics and pharmacies, as well as guiding those who are lost.
Last Update : 20 November 2011 11:56 AM
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