Prepared by: Pharmaceutical Dr. Fatmah Al-NabetMedia Information and Health Awareness Center
Influenza (Flu) is an acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract, and it is very widespread. The symptoms of influenza (flu) appear suddenly and often include runny nose, sore throat, headache, muscle pain and general feeling of sickness.
Influenza is the most common disease transmitted during Hajj as a result of some wrong habits followed by some pilgrims.
This article aims to shed light on the methods of treatment and prevention of influenza based on the principle that "prevention is better than cure".
We pray for all the pilgrims, that God may grant them good health, and return safely to their countries, God willing.
For the prevention of influenza disease, you should follow the following:- Immunization against influenza provides fair protection, or may lessen symptoms if the disease is contracted. Immunization gives a temporary immunity against some viruses that cause influenza particularly for people with asthma, elderly and people with chronic diseases.
- Avoiding crowded places and large gatherings as much as possible and using a disposable facemask if you are at high risk and are unable to avoid crowded areas. You have to change facemask constantly and take precautions while wearing or carrying them.
- Avoiding kissing on the cheek or other face to face contact as a greeting method, because it is the most important factors for transmission of influenza and just shake hands and then wash your hands afterwards
- Washing hands frequently especially when you are around someone who is sick to prevent transmission of infection because the virus can be transferred from their nose to their hands.
- Having enough rest and sleep to boost the immune system.
Treatment of Influenza:influenza is caused by a virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics or any other medications, but symptoms can be alleviated through the following steps:
- Bed rest and reducing muscular stress as much as possible by getting enough sleep and rest.
- Drink enough fluids and juices, including natural juices, worm fluids and fluids sweetened with honey.
- Paracetamol can relieve head and muscle aches.
- Call your doctor or go to the nearest health center or hospital immediately if the temperature for three consecutive days is over 39 degrees Celsius or incidence of severe cough with green phlegm.