Hajj News

Haram Emergency Centers on Alert in Preparation for the Reception of Urgent Ambulatory Cases
08 November 2011
   The Ministry of Health has set the health centers spread out inside the Haram of Makkah in preparation for the reception of urgent ambulatory cases during Hajj.
This was made known by Dr. Abdulrahman Bakhsh, Director of Ajyad Hospital and the Haram Emergency Centers, who further explained that all centers are aptly equipped with all that is necessary for the provision of urgent ambulatory services for patients as well as the older persons who are prone to exhaustion or health crises inside the Haram, in addition to transmitting the critical cases in need of special healthcare services to the hospitals. Dr. Bakhsh said there are 5 health centers inside the Haram, equipped with advanced devices, and supplied with proficient medical and nursing staff, offering their services around the clock.
In the course from 20/11/1432H to 10/12/1432H (18/10/2011 to 6/11/2011), Dr. Bakhsh added, the Haram health centers have already received 3709 cases. He also pointed out that these emergency centers have been set to work considerably early to be fully prepared for handling any imperious cases.
Concluding his statement, Dr. Bakhsh affirmed that there have not been any epidemic diseases detected among the cases received by the centers. Most cases, rather, suffered from general exhaustion or chronic diseases.
Last Update : 20 November 2011 11:56 AM
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