Ajyad Hospital and the health centers spread out inside the Haram of Makkah have received 4.014 cases from 20/11 to 7/12/1432H (18/10 to 3/11/2011).
Dr. Abdulrahman Bakhsh, Director of Ajyad Hospital and Haram Health Centers, pointed out that 1.117 cases have been received by Ajyad Hospital, and 2.897 by the health centers of the Haram. There have not been any epidemics detected among the received cases, said Dr. Bakhsh, pointing out that the great bulk of the cases were suffering from general fatigue or chronic diseases.
He further explained that Ajyad Hospital is of a capacity of 52 beds, out of which 32 are emergency beds and 20 are inpatient beds. And this latter category is further divided to intensive care beds (12 beds), and cardiac care beds (8 beds). The Hospital, according to Dr. Bakhsh, is staffed by 275 employees (doctors, nurses, technicians and administrative staff).
Turning to the health centers of the Haram, Dr. Bakhsh mentioned that there are 5 health centers equipped with advanced medical devices and supported with proficient medical staff. All these centers provide curative and ambulatory services around the clock.