Hajj News

The Hospitals of Arafat Assign Rooms for Isolating Patients with Infectious Diseases
05 November 2011
   The Holy Place's hospitals based in Arafat have got ready for combating infectious diseases during this Hajj season by assigning rooms for isolating patients with (or suspected to have) such diseases, and supplying these rooms with the most advanced equipment and the most proficient staff.
According to Dr. Ahmed Al-Kharroubi, director general of Arafat General Hospital, the hospital has assigned for patients with contagious diseases an isolation section accommodating 56 beds, supplied with an intensive care unit for intermediate cases, and inpatient rooms for men and women, equipped with various respirators, including the high-frequency respirators recently introduced by the Ministry of Health (MOH) into the Holy Places' hospitals, with the aim of serving guests. Al-Kharroubi made clear that these respirators are among the most advanced medical devices around the world. The section, he added, is run by two consultants and 6 specialists, as well as 20 nurses of both genders.
For his part, Dr. Abdulhakeem Ba-Faraj, director of Namira Hospital, based in the Holy Places, said that the hospital has got ready for the Hajj season by providing sections for medical quarantine, with a total capacity of 90 beds, equipped with all the necessary supportive medical devices, including respirators and vital signs monitors, as well as the new high-frequency respirators, aside from a proficient medical team, including in its membership an internal medicine and infectious diseases consultant, along with a number of internal medicine and intensive care specialists, as well as a number of specialized nurses.
In the same vein, Dr. Ahmed Al-Faqih, director of Jabal Al-Rahma Hospital, has stated that the hospital includes a number of rooms for medical quarantine, accommodating 18 beds, equipped with advanced respirators and vital signals monitors. He further explained that respirators can serve two beds simultaneously in case we need to double the number of isolated patients, Allâh forbid! These rooms are also equipped with the advanced high-frequency respirators and plasma sterilization devices, in addition to the laboratory tests appliances, necessary for conducting the necessary tests of contagious and epidemiological diseases.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Health has provided all hospitals with considerably big quantities of various antiviral drugs, as well as integrated medical teams, encompassing artificial respiration consultants and specialists, as well as a specialized nursing staff. Besides, the Ministry had preemptively trained its employees on such advanced devices, in pursuit of detecting and combating infectious diseases through numerous intensive training courses in this field.
Last Update : 12 December 2011 11:02 AM
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