The Media Information and Health Awareness Center has provided a number of basic food and dietary tips, with the aim to help pilgrims evade numerous potential health problems. Among these tips is to eat balanced foods, containing all nutrients in adequate quantities, prior setting out for Hajj, for the purpose of preserving obtaining the basic nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and water.
The Center, also, underscored the necessity of scheduling meals, making sure to eat moderately, and not to neglect any of the basic meals. It also advised to avoid repletion, follow the safety and cleanliness guidelines when buying or preparing foods, and keep away from contaminated and uncovered foods served by street vendors and open cafés, as well as foods which are raw or uncooked, such as mayonnaise and tuna. The Center also recommended limiting the consumption of stimulants (tea, coffee, etc), soft drinks and energy drinks, as they may lead up to insomnia and excessive diuresis. Besides, it is advisable for pilgrims not to try foods they are no familiarized with, as they might result in the onset of allergy or digestion problems. They had better avoid extremely cold and frozen foods, and, instead, eat foods with moderate heat.
Concerning the most significant common and emergency health problems during Hajj, those usually solved or relieved by following the proper food tips and guidelines, the Center has affirmed that sunstrokes can be averted by drinking much liquids (for instance, water and orange juice), meanwhile avoiding extremely cold and frozen drinks.
Turning to the ways to avoid constipation, the Center has placed special emphasis on the importance of eating foods rich with fiber, like leafy vegetables and fruit (e.g. orange), as well as bran, cereals, liquids (e.g. soup, hot drinks, fruit juices), along with avoiding low-fiber foods, such as rice, white bread and potatoes, in addition to readymade and processed foods, like cake and potato chips. As for diarrhea, on the other hand, the Center has underscored the necessity of drinking liquids (water and other liquids like filtered soup and mint), as well as eating yogurt and low-fiber foods (e.g. boiled rice, potatoes and pealed apples), meanwhile avoiding sweets, fries and high-fiber foods like fresh vegetables and fruits.
As for excessive acidity and digestive problems, the Center recommended avoiding fatty and spicy foods, as well as limiting the consumption of highly acidic foods, in addition to readymade and processed foods like biscuits and cake. It is important also, according to the Center, to reduce drinking stimulants and avoid sleeping immediately after meals.
As far as influenza is concerned, the Center advised to drink much warm liquids (e.g. soup, mint tea, and fruit rich in Vitamin C, like orange), in addition to having several but small meals over the day.