By now, everyone knows that controlling and preserving good weight depend on the neutralization of the energy gained by the body from food, and the energy consumed through the different physical activity. Therefore, it is important to understand the necessary requirements of the body, so as to choose the healthy and appropriate food.
In this spirit, and aiming to help obese persons, the Ministry of Health (MOH), represented by the Media and Health Awareness General Department, was keen to launch many programs and campaigns meant to lose weight, by reducing the calories taken, and increasing the physical activity conducted, within the framework of nutritional awareness, that should be realized in certain healthy food habits and behaviors.
In order to best control your weight, you ought not only lose weight, but, also, maintain your new weight, so as to avoid setbacks. And in case you are desiring to lose weight in the long-run, it is recommended to consult your doctor, or contact the MOH's Weigh Care Program, to receive the required help.
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