Health Days 2023

World Thalassaemia Day

World Thalassemia Day is celebrated annually on the 8th of May, with the aim of commemorating thalassemia patients who died as a result of the disease and encouraging those who are still alive and struggling with it daily.
  • Awareness of thalassemia, its symptoms, and ways to live with it.
  • Awareness of the importance of consulting a doctor before marriage if a person suffers from thalassemia.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of immunizations for the health of children, society, and the whole world.
  • Correct misconceptions about immunizations.
Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes the body's hemoglobin level to be lower than normal. Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen.
  • Thalassemia may cause anemia, which makes you feel exhausted.
  • Mild thalassemia cases may not need treatment.
  • More severe cases may require regular blood transfusions.
  • You can take steps to cope with fatigue, such as choosing a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Official date:
Globally: May 8th, 2023 
Locally: Shawwal 18th, 1444H​

Last Update : 17 January 2023 11:22 PM
Reading times :