“E-Health Initiative”: A vital enabler of comprehensive transformation, including health insurance, institutional transformation and public-private partnerships. The main goal of the initiative is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare sector through information technology and digital transformation, and to achieve digital health transformation in health facilities and raise the efficiency of e-health outcomes by establishing a secure information system in healthcare facilities and connecting all health information systems to create a unified electronic medical record.
Target Group: all residents of the Kingdom.
The e-Health Initiative contributes to the following:
- Patient data at any time and place.
- Reliable health information.
- Communicate and obtain remote consultations.
- Clinical and administrative support services.
- Advanced diagnostic tools and decision support services.
- Advanced systems help prevent medical errors and side effects.
- Online continuing medical education.
The e-health initiative aims to:
- Facilitating access to the service.
- Improving the quality and efficiency of health services.
- Availability of health services.
Final outputs: a unified electronic health file for the population, and completion of the digital infrastructure for specialized healthcare centers (dental centers - Cardiac centers - blood banks - regional laboratories - breast cancer centers).