Health Days 2019

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Since 2006, October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of malignant tumors and is caused by abnormal growth of breast cells and is one of the most common types of tumors affecting women of all ages. Specialists are concerned about increasing the public awareness of the disease, its causes, the most vulnerable group, methods of prevention, and the importance of early examination and detection, including breast self-examination, and the mammogram to discover abnormal changes in the breast. 

  • Most breast cancers occur in women.
  • Smoking, alcohol and obesity increases the risk of developing breast cancer in women. 
  • Breast cancer does occur in men too.
  • Breast cancer doesn't affect female fertility, however some medications such as chemotherapy can affect egg quality and in sometimes may lead to menopause.
  • Breast cancer is a non-communicable disease.

Official Date:
Globally: October 1st-31st, 2019
Locally: Safar 2nd- Rabīʿ al-Awwal 3rd, 1441H.

  • Raise the public awareness of breast cancer, and reduce the stigma of breast cancer by highlighting the symptoms and treatments.
  • Raise women awreness about the importance of early and periodic examinations to detect abnormal changes, and to do breast self-examination particularly when noticing any symptoms.
  • Implement comprehensive breast cancer control programs in line with national anti-cancer plans.
  • Developing countries are adviced to adopt strategies for early detection of the disease to identify symptoms, early signs of infection and clinical examination of visible breasts. 

Last Update : 09 September 2019 02:50 PM
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