May 31st has been designated as global awareness and anti-smoking day. Smoking has bad effects on health. Everyone is aware of it, yet the number of smokers is still increasing. Therefore, the Saudi Ministry of Health seeks to reduce it, protect society from diseases caused by smoking, and ensure a healthy, disease-free life for all members of society. The term smoking includes e-cigarettes, shisha, etc.
- Educating society about the dangers of smoking to the lungs and its long-term effects
- Raising awareness of the harms of passive smoking in all its forms
- Educating young people and providing them with the necessary knowledge to face marketing campaigns targeting them
- Empowering young people to confront the manipulation of smoking makers
- Smoking is one of the greatest public health threats the world has ever faced
- More than 8 million people die every year because of smoking
- Smoking causes the death of up to half of users who do not quit
Official Date:
Globally: May 31st, 2024
Locally: Dhul-Qa’eda 23rd, 1445H
Health Days 2022 - World No Tobacco Day (moh.gov.sa)
Tobacco (who.int)