Many pregnant women take prescription medications during pregnancy as a necessity (such as: diabetes, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, and other medical conditions), and some pregnant women may take medications to help with common health problems months of pregnancy (such as: heartburn or morning nausea or headache), in most cases there are different types of medication to treat a particular problem; So, the doctor may change the type of medication while reducing any risk to the fetus.
Classifications of drug risk factors:
Each drug has a rating along with an assessment of risks and benefits of using a particular drug during pregnancy; Where the categories of drugs are classified for pregnant women:
Category A: Studies have not found or shown any risk or evidence of harm.
Category B: Animal studies have not shown any risks, but there are no studies in pregnant women.
Category C: Animal studies have shown risk to the fetus, but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women, or studies in women and animals are not available.
Category D: There is positive evidence of potential risk to the fetus, but the benefits of use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk.
Category X: Studies in animals or humans have shown fetal abnormalities, or there is evidence of fetal risk.
Note: Category C is the confusing category. A drug gets this classification if there are insufficient data on its use during pregnancy, as it may be safe or it may be harmful.
Do not start or stop taking medication during pregnancy without consulting your doctor. There are some steps to help make sure you take care of it properly:
- Always consult a doctor, as this is the first and most important step.
- Read the label; Look for pregnancy warnings, potential allergies, and expiration dates.
- Pay attention to side effects; This is by consulting a health care provider or pharmacist about possible side effects, as some medicines cause side effects (such as: drowsiness, headache, or vomiting).
- Organize medicines and do not mix medicines to avoid overdose.
- Take medications as prescribed by your health care provider.
- Do not share medicines.
- Ask questions about safety of the medicine for the child, ask about the name of the medicine, generic alternatives, benefits, risks, and problems to watch for.
- Keep a record of medications taken.