National Osteoporosis Awareness Campaign

What is osteoporosis? 
It is a case of low bone-density, making bones fragile and prone to fractures.
What is the difference between osteoporosis and osteomalacia?
Osteoporosis is caused by low bone density, whereas osteomalacia occurs when bones are not solid enough.
What is the major cause of osteoporosis? 
Lack of calcium or Vitamin D.
What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?
  • Lower-back pain.
  • Low bone-density in the jaw.
  • Neck pain.
  • Lack of height and curvature of the spine over time.
Who are the most vulnerable persons to osteoporosis?
  • Women: in the post-menopausal stage.
  • People a family-history of the disease.
  • Thin persons.
  • People suffering from malnutrition (especially, when caused by the intake of calcium.
  • Smokers.
  • People having steroids (as a medication) for a long period.
  • People who are not adequately exposed to the sunlight.
Are fat people less vulnerable to osteoporosis? 
No. Health problems are often caused by overweight or underweight. It is important, therefore, to preserve moderate weight.
Why is the incidence of osteoporosis higher in women? 
For a variety of reasons, including:
  • Women's bones are often smaller than those of men.
  • Hormonal changes that women undergo, especially in the post-menopausal stage.
Why women are particularly prone to osteoporosis in the post-menopausal age? 
Because, following the menopause, the secretion of estrogen, which is crucial for maintaining bone density, drastically decreases.
Why is osteoporosis usually dubbed the “silent disease”?
Because the bone density decreases without symptoms.
What is the aim of osteoporosis treatment?
  • Putting an end to the disease progression.
  • Evading complications (fractures).
  • Improving the bone density.
How could osteoporosis be treated?
  • Taking and adequate quantity of calcium and Vitamin D.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
How long does it take to treat osteoporosis? 
The bone density improves so slowly, especially the hip bones. The influence of treatment, therefore, might take as long a period as months.
What are the calcium sources?
  • Milk and milk products.
  • Salmon and sardines.
  • Leafy vegetables (turnip and cabbage).
  • Oysters and shrimp.
  • Cabbage, green cauliflower (broccoli), and soybean and its products.



Are the calcium supplements considered a good source of calcium?
In case the diet does not contain enough calcium, then the doctor may prescribe calcium tablets.
Why is the sunlight important for the prevention of osteoporosis?
As a matter of fact, the sunlight stimulates the production of Vitamin D, thus helping increase the absorption of calcium.
Could Vitamin D be obtained without the sunlight? 
Well, people often obtain Vitamin D through the sunlight. However, for the older persons and those not exposed to sufficient sunlight, the doctor could prescribe Vitamin D tablets, since their bodies cannot produce the needed quantity of it by themselves.
Does the excessive drinking of coffee affect bones? 
Coffee contains caffeine, which may increase the loss of calcium, so it is advisable to have no more than two cups of coffee a day.
What is the effect of some medicines (such as cortisone) on bones?
Cortisone may cause a decline in the absorption of calcium in the intestine, to the effect that it reduces the formation of new bone cells.
How could osteoporosis avoided?
  • Eating the foods rich in calcium.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Sufficient exposure to the sunlight.
  • Making up the shortfall of the necessary hormones (especially after women's menopause).
  • Abstaining from smoking.
How could osteoporosis patients protect themselves from fractures?
By avoiding falling, through:
  • Using low-heel shoes.
  • Frequently examining the eye-sight.
  • Improving the residential lighting.
Last Update : 08 February 2012 05:28 PM
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