The oral and dental health is part and parcel of the public health negatively or positively getting affected by it and affecting it. Since the injury rate of the oral and dental diseases in the Gulf Cooperation Council's states, particularly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, increasingly surpasses the developed and developing states alike, it is entailed joining hands and exerting every effort helping reduce the incidence of these diseases, namely the tooth decay afflicting the Gulf Cooperation Council'schildren.
Accordingly, the percentage of the children, aging six and twelve, suffering from the tooth decay in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached 96% and 93.7%.
Definition of the Tooth Decay:
Tooth decay is a damage experienced by the tooth outer surface, leading to the appearance of holes and cavities. This is caused by set of factors such as bacteria and having the light, repetitive meals and sugary beverages. In similar fashion, the tooth decay is considered as among the most widespread health problems worldwide and in all age groups. And, if the tooth decay is not treated, the cavities and holes might get bigger and widen causing severe pains, inflammations, tooth loss and other complications.