Health Days 2020

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

​The elderly plays an important and vital role in building and developing society, however, over time they become very weak; and most of them suffer from poverty, disability or discrimination. The abuse of the older people is one of the most important type of age discrimination. It is a problem that exists in both developing and developed countries yet is typically underreported globally.

​The elder abuse is a hidden problem that means taunting or neglecting him by an escort or a family member or friend, causing him harm. All types of elder abuse can lead to suffering, injury and pain or violation of human rights, as well as reducing the quality of life for the elderly. The abuse against the older people takes the form of taking actions that harm them, using hurtful words or preventing them from accessing things that are important to them. Elder abuse usually becomes more frequent and severe over time. 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is celebrated on June 15 of each year. It represents the only day in the year when the whole world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted to some of our older generations.

  • The elder abuse prevalence rates exist only in developed countries – ranging from 1 to 10 per cent. Although the extent of elder mistreatment is unknown, its social and moral significance is obvious.
  • It is a global social issue that affects the health and rights of millions of older people, and a problem that deserves the attention of the international community.

  • Raising community awareness and highlighting the issue of elder abuse.
  • Demanding a global multifaceted response, one which focuses on protecting the rights of older persons. 
  • Developing methods and systems to define, detect and treat the elderly abuse in a cultural context.

Official Date:
  • Globally: June 15th, 2020.
  • Locally: Shawal 23rd, 1441H.

Last Update : 17 June 2020 01:07 AM
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