Dermatitis or exfoliation:
This problem is common during the Hajj season, especially for people with obesity, or diabetes, as the skin becomes inflamed and redness occurs in the folds of the thighs, and sometimes in the armpits and under the breasts. Secretions may also appear accompanied by annoying and sometimes painful itching. To prevent them:
- Ensure obtaining good ventilation of the folds in the body (e.g.: upper thighs and armpits).
- Pay attention to personal hygiene by washing daily to get rid of sweat.
- Make sure to dry these areas of sweat to avoid fungal infection.
- Use appropriate ointments on the body before walking.
When an infection occurs, ointments for this problem can be used, along with washing the affected area with soap and water and drying it well before applying the medicine repeatedly.
It occurs when exposed to the sun for a long time, causing the skin to become inflamed and red, and this is seen in some pilgrims in exposed or sun-exposed places of their bodies, but in severe sunburns water bubbles appear on the skin, and the infection rate increases for some more than others, especially those with white skin and those coming from countries with a mild climate, and for the treatment of sunburn:
- First, keep away from the sun, seek shade, and stay inside the residence unless necessary for the rest of the rituals.
- Take a cold bath several times to relieve the pain, then gently dry the body, leaving a little water on the skin, and apply a moisturizer to help lock the water in the skin to help relieve dryness.
- Use a moisturizer containing aloe vera or soy to help soothe burned skin.
- Take some pain relievers; To help reduce swelling, redness, and discomfort.
- Make sure to drink more water, as sunburn pulls fluids to the surface of the skin away from the rest of the body, and thus helps to drink more water to prevent dehydration
- When there are fluid-filled bubbles, do not puncture them as blisters form to help the skin heal and protect against infection.
- Take care to protect the sunburned skin during recovery by wearing clothes that cover the affected area when you are outside.
Prevention of sunburn:
- Look for shaded places to walk when moving between rituals, especially during times of peak sunshine (between ten in the morning and four in the afternoon).
- Always use a sunshade during peak sunshine.
- Avoid exposing the body except to the extent required by the rituals of Hajj and Umrah.
- Take care 20 minutes before going out to apply sunscreen (protection factor 30 or more) on places exposed to the sun to protect from harmful rays.
Fungal infection:
It is a kind of skin problem that spreads in hot places, the most important of which is what is called Ringworm "tinea cruris", which is a skin disease caused by a fungal infection that appears in the form of dark round spots and the periphery of the spots is usually darker than the middle, as its spread increases among the pilgrims due to the high temperature and increased sweating and severe crowding, and the infection is transmitted through the use of the clothes or towels of the infected person.
Ringworm "tinea cruris" treatment:
It varies according to its type, it may be a topical treatment with ointments, and sometimes it is necessary to take oral pills, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before using any treatment.
Personal care tips for ringworm:
- Apply and take antifungal medications in the same way and for the same period prescribed by the doctor, even when feeling better, to ensure that ringworm does not appear again after stopping treatment.
- When touching the affected area, wash your hands before touching any other area of the body, to avoid transmitting infection to another part of the body.
- Keep the affected area clean and dry, as fungi tend to spread in a warm, moist area.
- When cleaning the area infected with ringworm, it should be washed and dried with a clean towel, and then use another towel to dry other parts of the body.
- Avoid wearing clothes, socks and shoes that increase sweating.
- Change clothes every day, and wash them separately from the rest of the clothes before wearing them again.
- Take a shower after completing each ritual and return to the residence place to get rid of sweat.
- Avoid sharing personal items with others (such as: towels, hats, hairbrushes, etc.).
- To avoid re-infecting yourself, make sure to wash your clothes, towels, and other items you use while you have ringworm with hot, soapy water.
Ringworm prevention:
It is through personal hygiene, by taking a regular shower, drying the body well, clean underwear, and not using other people's clothes and towels.