- What are the mandatory vaccinations for Hajj 1445 AH?
The pilgrim to perform the Hajj, must be immunized against the following diseases:
- Covid-19
- Neisseria meningitis
- Seasonal influenza
2. When should I take Hajj vaccinations?
Covid-19 vaccine:
A valid vaccination certificate proving receipt of one dose of the vaccine (XBB. 1.5) must be presented no less than 10 days before coming to the Hajj and Umrah areas, for those who are 18 years of age and older, regardless of previous vaccination history that precedes the availability of the vaccine in the Kingdom (day December 25, 2023 AD, corresponding to Jumada al-Akhirah 12, 1445 AH) and receiving the vaccine begins during the period of vaccine availability in the Kingdom.
Meningococcal Vaccines:
All adults and children aged 1 year or older must present a valid vaccination certificate proving receipt of the meningitis quadrivalent vaccine (ACYW) at least 10 days before coming to the Hajj and Umrah areas.
The following vaccines are approved:
- Polysaccharide Quadrivalent (ACYW) vaccine, provided that the period since receiving the vaccine does not exceed 3 years.
- Conjugate Quadrivalent (ACYW) vaccine, provided that the period since receiving the vaccine does not exceed 5 years.
Seasonal Influenza Vaccine:
All adults and children aged 6 months or older must present a valid vaccination certificate proving that the vaccine was taken no less than 10 days before coming to the Hajj and Umrah areas, and receiving the vaccine must begin at a time starting from the beginning of the national campaign period to provide the influenza vaccine in 1445 AH (starting from 1 October 2023/ 16 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1445 AH).
3. What is the Covid-19 vaccine?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have approved the updated vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna for those 6 months and older and have authorized the updated Novavax vaccine for those 12 years and older.
Vaccination carries an adenovirus vector that is laboratory-optimized to match the spike protein in the viral DNA, which can generate mRNA to allow the immune system to recognize it and produce an anti-virus, thus reducing the disease rate to significant proportions.
4. I took the booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Should I take it again?
The updated vaccine is required regardless of how many previous doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been taken.
5. I took the meningitis vaccine previously. Should I take it again?
A valid vaccination certificate proving receipt of the quadrivalent meningitis vaccine (ACYW) must be presented at least 10 days before coming to the Hajj and Umrah areas.
The Vaccine expiration date depends on the type of vaccine as follows:
- Polysaccharide Quadrivalent (ACYW) vaccine, the period since receiving the vaccine should not exceed 3 years.
- Conjugate Quadrivalent (ACYW) vaccine, the period since receiving the vaccine should not exceed 5 years.
6. I took the influenza vaccination last year. Is it necessary to take it this year?
It is recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older take the flu vaccine annually, including healthy adults. Vaccination is especially important for people who are at highest risk of serious flu complications.
7. Are there any side effects of Hajj vaccines?
Hajj vaccines may cause some side effects, such as high temperature and cold-like symptoms, so it is recommended to take a pain reliever and fever reducer, when necessary, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid physical exertion.
8. Is there a time interval required between taking the influenza, meningitis, and Covid vaccines?
Time interval between Hajj vaccinations is not required, and they can all be taken at the same time or distributed without the need for a time interval.
9. Do Hajj vaccines pose a risk to pregnant women?
Pregnant women can take all Hajj vaccines.
10. Are there any medical conditions excluded from Hajj vaccinations?
- Exemption from Hajj vaccines (seasonal influenza vaccine and meningitis vaccine) is made by submitting the request to the call center 937 with a medical report attached. The call center then submits the request to the competent medical committee to study the case and issue an exception decision. If the committee agrees, the case is reversed in Sehhaty application.
- Regarding Exemption from the Covid-19 vaccine, the request can be submitted through: Service Cards - Exemption from COVID-19 Vaccines Service and follow the instructions provided.
11. Where can Hajj vaccinations be taken?
At healthcare centers providing Hajj vaccinations، At healthcare centers providing Hajj vaccinations, by booking from the Sehhaty application, click on Appointment Booking icon, then the Adult Vaccinations icon, then the Hajj Vaccinations icon. You can know the locations of centers providing Hajj vaccines on the application.
You can download and access the Sehhaty application through the following links:
12. Do primary health care centers provide Hajj vaccinations during Friday and Saturday?
Yes, you can book your appointment through Sehhaty application.
13. How are vaccines taken overseas documented?It is documented through vaccine documentation clinics in primary health care centers.
If the “domestic pilgrim was outside the Kingdom when he took the vaccine, he can document it by sending the approved vaccination certificate to the vaccine operations center via
14. How can I obtain a Hajj vaccination certificate?
The Hajj vaccination certificate can be downloaded from the private file of the citizen or resident in the Sehhaty application, choose general vaccinations, then click on the download report icon and choose the Hajj vaccination report.
Appendix (1): Reviewing Hajj vaccinations on Sehhaty application