Pilgrim’s Health

Muscle Stress during Hajj

Pilgrims are exposed to muscle stress during Hajj, as a result of frequent movement and transfer while performing the rituals over long distances in crowds and high temperatures, and it appears in the form of pain, stiffness, or swelling that limits the movement of the affected muscle.

Factors that increase the likelihood of muscle stress:
  • Carrying heavy items while on the go.
  • Gender, where women experience more muscular stress than men.
  • Aging, as the elderly are exposed to muscle stress more than others.
  • Overweight or obesity.
  • Physical inactivity before Hajj and lack of muscle fitness.
Ways to treat muscle stress:
Stop moving when feeling pain and take a short break, then walk slowly to complete the rituals.
  • Apply cold compresses to the affected muscle.
  • Press the affected area with pressure ligaments to relieve pain and prevent fluid accumulation, and avoid wrapping and pressing it hard.
  • Elevate the strained muscle above the level of the heart to reduce swelling.
  • Take some pain relievers.
To prevent muscle stress during Hajj:
  • Maintain physical activity and restore physical fitness well before the Hajj season.
  • Take enough time to stretch and rest after each ritual.
  • Avoid carrying heavy things and walking them for long distances.
  • Eat healthy food that includes vegetables and fruits that provide the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • Those who suffer from obesity must maintain a healthy weight and reduce weight before the Hajj season.
  • Ensure good hydration of the body and drink enough fluids. 

Last Update : 21 June 2023 02:57 PM
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