Pilgrim’s Health

Food Poisoning

Saudi authorities prohibit the entry of foodstuffs with pilgrims for the Hajj and Umrah, with the exception of canned foods intended for personal use in small quantities provided that they are in containers that are easy to inspect.
  • ​Divide meals into three main meals and two snacks.
  • Take your fluid needs to avoid dehydration and heat stress.
  • Healthy meals rich in protein sources, vegetables and fruits and not to overeat to facilitate the movement of the pilgrim.
  • Do not eat new, unusual foods to avoid food allergies.
  • Balance drinking water and juices rich in necessary salts.
  • Make sure to clean your hands before and after eating and after going to the toilet.
  • Make sure to wash fresh vegetables and fruits well.
  • Keep food at safe temperatures.
  • Do not eat cooked foods that are exposed or stored outside the refrigerator.
Food Poisoning Prevention:
  • Checking the expiry date of foods and drinks.
  • Cleaning utensils to prepare and eat food.
  • Keeping food in the refrigerator, or prepare enough for one meal.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables well before eating them.
  • Avoiding eating unpasteurized milk and dairy products, and undercooked meats.
  • Separating raw foods from ready-to-eat foods.
  • Avoiding storing cooked food on the go for long periods.
  • Not to leave food exposed to contamination and insects.
  • Getting rid of food when you suspect its safety in terms of changing taste, color, smell and texture.
  • Washing hands with soap and water before preparing food, before and after eating.
First Aid:
  • Stop giving the patient any food.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to replace lost fluids and prevent dehydration.
  • Transfer the patient to the hospital.

Last Update : 23 June 2022 03:46 AM
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