Healthy Marriage FAQs

Does a person with HIV have the right to marry after conducting tests and confirming his infection?
  • When a person infected with the acquired immunodeficiency virus is discovered in a pre-marital examination, the infection is confirmed or denied by additional tests and the result is dealt with according to the protocol followed by MOH, which stresses on preservation of the rights and obligations of the infected person towards himself and towards society.
  • If the HIV cohabiting party wants to marry another HIV cohabiting party, it is done by the two parties under medical supervision and does not usually require any other procedures.
  • As for the marriage of an HIV cohabiting party with a healthy one, it requires referral to a specialized committee in the Ministry of Health that undertakes the medical and psychological evaluation of the two parties, after which the legal opinion is obtained for each application separately. 

Last Update : 07 November 2022 10:41 AM
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