e-Health Strategy

  • e-Health is the combined use of electronic communication and information technology in the health sector. (WHO definition)
  • In some definitions, eHealth is the use of ICT to:
  • Enable telehealth
  • Pre-authorize, accept claims for, and generate payments for health services
  • Enable governance for health professions, including licensing, qualifications management, oversight, audits and trend detection
  • Enable or enforce best practices, cost containment, demand management and overall health system performance management
  • Enable optimized use of human resources, facilities and equipment
  • Gather and analyze the data needed for research (health analytics)
  • Enable training / skills assessment / skills upgrading
  • Provide interoperable, patient centric health records, available at any point of care, to authorized users
  • We will work together to:
  • Validate the vision for eHealth for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Plan and prioritize the first five years eHealth projects, and define the benefits that they will deliver


Last Update : 21 March 2011 04:48 PM
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