937 Services

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Fellow Citizens,
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is honored and pleased to receive your call and fulfill your health needs on (937) service center 24/7.
Patient First
We seek to provide top integrated services and the best comprehensive healthcare standards.
Our Vision
Leadership in providing emergency and normal health services efficiently and quickly to patients across the Kingdom.
(937) Services:
  • Receive all calls from patients about MoH-related health aspect.
  • Receive and monitor patients' notifications, settle them as soon as possible anytime and anywhere across our beloved homeland and follow them up according international standards.
  • Provide 24/7 medical consultation through doctors.
  • Offer key advices and guidelines for poisoning cases.
  • Receive all complaints and feedback.
This center serves as a listening ear to patients' needs and requirements.
Quick response to meet patients' requirements according to standards and the patient's medical need.
Quick and high-quality realization of patients' needs and requirements according to standards and the patient's medical need anytime and anywhere.
Analyze all received notifications, and seriously develop work process with MoH's strategy to realize MoH's slogan (Patient First)
What are the types of angina pectoris?
Three types:
  • Stable Angina.
  • Unstable Angina.
  • Variant Angina Pectoris.
What should I do to prevent worsening diabetes?
  • Stick to physical exercise program.
  • If approved by doctor, take daily medicines to relieve pain.
  • Take the right medicine for hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
  • Have annual test for protein level in urine.
  • Annual eye test by either an Optometrist refractionist or ophthalmologist, which is the only way to detect eye problems.
  • Adopt daily program for foot treatment.
  • No smoking.
  • Take into account to have an updated immunization record.
Which food types cause headache?
Certain types of food, beverages and food supplements cause headache, including:
  • Aged cheese.
  • Alcohol.
  • Food supplements.
  • Cold food.
What develops acne?

- Acne starts when fats and dead skin block pores around a hair follicle. If bacteria penetrate the pores, they cause the skin to swell and turn red with a white center. For most people, acne occurs during puberty. Due to hormone changes, the glands produce oil more during puberty. Eating chocolate and fatty foods does not cause acne. Yet, they can make it worse, mainly by eating fatty products that clog the pores of skin. Acne is transmittable among family members. If a parent has acute acne, other family members are at higher risk of infection.

What is normal blood pressure?
  • Normal Blood Pressure is diagnosed when systolic is less than 120 mmHg and diastolic is less than 80 mmHg.
  • At Risk (Prehypertension) is diagnosed when systolic is 120–139 mmHg, or diastolic is 80–89 mmHg.
  • Stage 1 Hypertension is diagnosed when systolic is 140-159 mmHg, or diastolic is 90-99 mmHg or higher.
  • Stage 2 Hypertension is diagnosed when systolic is 160 mmHg or higher, or diastolic is 100 mmHg or higher.
How can I protect myself from colds?
To protect yourself from colds, take the following precautions:
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Use water-jel if water is not available.
  • Cough or sneeze in a napkin, then wash your hands.
  • If no napkin is available, divert your face away from other when coughing.
  • If you suddenly need to cough, cover your nose with your arm.
  • • Clean every surface frequently, including phones and keyboards, since viruses can live for hours there.
What is Tuberculosis (TB)? What are its causes?
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease; known since ancient Egyptians. It is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) transmitted after coughing. TB has two main types:
  • Pulmonary TB:
    This affects the respiratory system causing inflammation, pulmonary edema, lung or Lymph glands abscess. If positive, phlegm is infectious (known as open-lung TB).
  • Extrapulmonary TB:
    It affects one of the following human organs: Heart, brain, spine, intestines, skin...etc. It is less likely infectious.
What is the long-term treatment of cold and cough?
  • Colds are more likely viral. They treated by taking rest, analgesics and anti-congestions.
  • If last for more than a week, please consult a doctor for further diagnosis.
  • If cough last or two months, it is chronic; thus, requiring specialized diagnosis. In most cases, they are caused by larynx sensitivity, nasal problems or intestinal acid reflux.
  • When joined with blood, cough denotes a disease requiring urgent medical examination by identifying the volume of blood or accompanying symptoms, patient's history, with clinical and other needed tests.
Does cortisone inhaler negatively affect child's growth?

When taking the right dose of cortisone inhaler, it hardly affects the child's growth. However, problems rise with asthmatic children affecting their nutrition and growth much more any medications.

What are the types of anemia?
Medically, anemia is divided according to cell size as follows:
Cells are larger than normal:
due to vitamin B12, folic acid and hormone deficiency.
Normal cells:
Including general diseases.
Cells are smaller than normal:
such as iron deficiency.

Last Update : 25 May 2021 08:59 AM
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