Tasks and Responsibilities
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- Contributing to the preparation and review of plans and programs that have to do with supportive medical services: (laboratories and blood banks, toxicology and forensic chemistry centers, nursing, forensic medicine, pharmaceutical care, nutrition), and, having approved, putting them into force.
- Coordinating the provision of medical supportive services, in cooperation with the MOH's sectors, as well as other state bodies and authorities that assume medical tasks within the framework of the applied health policy.
- Technical and administrative supervision over all the bodies responsible for providing supportive medical services, as well as conducting technical follow-up over such bodies throughout the Kingdom's regions.
- Directing supportive medical services so as to cope with the developments of supportive medical sciences.
- Setting the rules of establishing and operating supportive medical services centers, as well as addressing their needs and requirements in cooperation with the relevant departments.
- Identifying the actual need for the manpower necessary for providing supportive services.
- Contributing to the development of an automated system for the information associated to medical assistance services in cooperation with the of Information Technology General Department.
- Preparing a study on the viability and effectiveness of the supportive medical services provided for patients and frequenters of health facilities, as well as identifying challenges and putting forth the proposals necessary for the development of their workflow.
- Following up the fulfillment of the needs and requirements of supportive medical services centers; this includes medical supplies and equipment.
- Studying the problems, difficulties and challenges of providing supportive medical services, and putting forth solutions for removing such challenges.
- Contributing to preparing training programs for employees, and a plan for scholarships in the area of supportive medical services, in cooperation with the Training and Scholarships General Department.
- Contributing to the development of the standards and criteria necessary for assessment of workflow and employees' performance in the area of supportive medical services, with the aim to improve the services provided to beneficiaries, in coordination with the Total Quality and Patient Safety General Department.
- Reviewing and evaluating the reports and statistics related to workflow, as well as analyzing them, so as to benefit from them in work development, in cooperation with the Statistics and Information General Department.
- Overseeing the provision of the information necessary for preparing the draft budget.
- Overseeing the development of work procedures, in cooperation with the Administrative Development General Department, as well as following up their implementation.
- Preparing periodic reports on the activities and achievements of supportive medical services, and putting forth proposals for the development of their work, to be submitted to the Deputy Minister of Curative Services.
- Taking part in the annual Hajj committees, according to MOH's annual plan.
- Any other tasks assigned to them in the area of competence.