Due to struggling with the challenges of importing and recruiting the nursing cadres, it has become indispensably necessary for the health facilities to be aware of: “Magnet Recognition Program TM”.
Thus, the accreditation certificate of magnet has become the available solution for governmental and private hospitals. Studies have proved that the nurses working at “Magnet Hospital” are not prone to physical or psychological stress or burnout rather than those working in other hospitals. In addition, the nursing-care services provided in the magnet hospitals are of higher quality than those in the non-magnetic hospitals.
The Magnet Hospital Conference is deemed the first of its kind that is to be organized by the Ministry of Health (MOH) at the international level in terms of the initial coordination with 20 national and international speakers. Whereas more than one thousand beneficiaries of health care providers in hospitals are planned to attend the conference and subsequently receive 30 accredited hours of medical continuing education by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS).This vital and effective conference aims at increasing communication and partnership between MOH and other health institutions, whether governmental or private. Moreover, the conference seeks to carry out the best nursing performance for participants, regardless of their role or their place in the recognition journey of their hospitals as magnet ones.
His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah.
The main theme for the conference is: “The Magnet Hospitals Accreditation Journey: Towards Distinguished Nursing Profession”
Besides, the conference is to highlights the: “Magnet Recognition Program TM”.
This recognition awarded by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), represents the top accreditation in the United States of America and be awarded to the hospitals or the medical centers of excellence in the field of nursing, which meet a set of criteria designed to measure the efficiency and quality of nursing services.
Definition of the magnet hospital:
The magnet hospital is the institution which provides the high-quality nursing care, achieving the highest possible occupational satisfaction, and the lowest rate of resignations. That is to be added to considering this recognition in general as a golden criterion for patient care.
• Structural Empowerment
• Exemplary Professional Practice
• New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements
• Transformational Leadership
• MOH Undersecretaries and General Managers of Departments
• The Executive Directors and Directors of Nursing at the medical cities throughout the Kingdom.
• General Managers and Directors of Nursing Departments at the health affairs throughout regions and governorates.
• Managers and Directors of Nursing at the government and private hospitals.
• Managers and Directors of Nursing at the medical cities
• All categories of nurses working in hospitals
1- Workshops on “Magnet Recognition Program TM”.
2- Seminar and inauguration ceremony of the national project to build the leadership skills of the Saudi Nursing.
3- Workshops on: “Estimating the Burden of Nursing Profession in the Kingdom”.
4- Annexed medical exhibition.
The Conference will provide not less than 30 accredited hours of medical continuing education by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS).