MOH Announcements

Admission of Research Proposals at the 15th Session of NSTIP
Referring to the call of the General Secretariat of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (NSTIP), for participation in its own Research Awarding Programs at its fifteenth session in March 2014, the Science and Technology Unit at the  Ministry of Health (MOH) is pleased to announce its opening to receive the MOH employees’ research proposals.  Research projects are to be submitted over the period from 15th January to 28th Febraury, 2014 (corresponding to 14/3/1435 to 28/4/1435). This announcement came in concordance with the circular issued by the General Secretariat of NSTIP, which published via the NSTIP Portal.
For more information, kindly contact the MOH Science and Technology Unit via its email:


Last Update : 18 February 2014 04:23 PM
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