Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors resulting from the abnormal growth of breast cells. It is commonly affecting ladies of different ages. The breast cancer awareness campaigns and research funding have helped to improve the speed of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Therefore, rates of survival have increased and the number of deaths has decreased due to the early detection of breast and new therapies.
Facts about breast cancer:
- Breast cancer is ranked first locally and internationally.
- The second cause of cancer deaths in women.
- The rate of breast cancer incidence is increasing continuously worldwide, but the rate of death associated with it has been decreasing steadily in the developed countries since 1990, due to adoption of early detection programs and development of better treatments.
- Some studies predicted that the rate of breast cancer incidence will be more than quadruple in the Middle East region during the next twenty years.
- According to local statistics, breast cancer tops the list of the most common cancers in women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by a rate of about 28% compared to the rest of the cancer types in women and 13% of cancers between sexes.
Official date:
Globally: October 1st-31st, 2016
Locally: Dhul-Hijjah 30th-Muharram 30th, 1437H
Targeted Group:
- All women, particularly those at age of 18-60 years.
- Breast cancer health associations and organizations, doctors and health practitioners in hospitals and centers.
- The public.
Theme of Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
You Are Life … Check Yourself to Reassure Us
Objectives and general messages:
- Briefing people on breast cancer causes and prevention ways.
- Briefing people on the way of early detection of the disease by performing breast self-examination.
- Identifying the most vulnerable people to breast cancer.
- Briefing people on the importance of the early testing, such as the mammogram test to detect the abnormal changes for ladies.