World Stroke Day is celebrated annually on 29th October to promote health awareness of the stroke, understand potential risks of the disease, ways of prevention, as well as know the available means of diagnosis and treatment. While the stroke affects both sexes, women are at a higher risk. Therefore, the World Stroke Organization's campaign, this year, has focused on women, adopting the theme of "I am Woman" for the World Stroke Day 2015. The World Stroke Campaign has chosen to focus on this theme because a woman is:
- More at risk of having a stroke.
- More likely to die from a stroke than men.
- Less likely to receive acute care and rehabilitation than a men, even though they respond equally well to treatment.
- More likely than men to experience hypertension, atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), diabetes, depression and obesity, all of which increase stroke risk.
- Some stroke risk factors are associated with women such as: Gestational diabetes, eclampsia, birth control pills, hormone therapy and hormonal changes, all of them increase the risk of stroke in women.
Facts and Figures:
- Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability worldwide.
- 17 million people suffer stroke every year.
- Stroke kills 6 million people every year.
- About 60% of stroke deaths occur in women.
- Stroke is number five cause of death in the United States.
- About of 50% of stroke cases are preventable.
Global Official Date:
Oct. 29th, 2015
Local Official Date:
Al-Muharrum 15th, 1437H
Theme of the World Stroke Day 2015:
"I am woman"
Stroke affects me.
Stroke affects everyone.
Objectives and General Messages:
- Raising the level of awareness among women about everything related to stroke, which will reflect positively on public health.
- Raising the level of awareness of available solutions that can be used on individual, community and government levels.
- Raising awareness among members of society of the fact that an early detection of a disease, especially the stroke helps avoid its complications, and raise the level of healthcare at all levels.
Targeted Groups:
- Women
- Stroke patients and their families
- Those at risk of having a stroke
- Medical professionals (doctors, nurses, specialists and others)
- Health decision-makers
- Health associations and organizations
- The public