Skin problems:
While you are exercising at a gym, germs can be everywhere. This may put gym-goers at risk of developing a variety of common skin infections, including ringworm, warts, or herpes. Sportsmen have to take some precautions against the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can grow in warm, moist places, causing skin infections. The surfaces where these germs grow include sweaty exercise equipment and showers in the locker room. It is important to follow some simple steps to avoid germs while at the gym:
- Wear loose-fitting clothes that absorb moisture. This will help keep your skin dry and prevent the growth of germs.
- Wash your workout clothes after wearing them, as well as your personal towel.
- Always have footwear on, especially around swimming pools and in locker and shower rooms. Avoid walking barefoot in a public gym.
- Keep any wounds clean and covered. Avoid using saunas, steam rooms, or hot tubs until your wound has healed.
- Disinfect the equipment before and after use. Use wipes or a disinfecting spray to sanitize surfaces. Always place a towel on shared surfaces before you use them (e.g. exercise seats and bike seats).
- Bring your own tools from home whenever possible (e.g. a yoga mat).
- Wash or sanitize hands immediately after exercise.
- Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until they heal.
- Shower as soon as possible after working out, and wear clean clothes, including fresh socks and underwear.
- Avoid sharing personal items (e.g. towels and shaving razors).
- Watch out for any signs of infection (e.g. increased pain, swelling, pus, or persistent redness), and go to a doctor immediately if you notice them.
How to stay safe from COVID-19 at the gym?
- Follow the steps recommended by the Saudi Ministry of Health if you contract the disease.
- Do not return to the club until you meet the criteria for discontinuing home isolation.
- Talk to a doctor about a safe return.
- Clean equipment (e.g. free weights, exercise equipment, and cardio machines) before and after use.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes, especially when handling frequently touched objects.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 40 seconds after touching frequently touched surfaces.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if you do not have access to soap and water.
- Bring your personal water bottle and completely avoid sharing any personal items.
- Use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Dispose of used tissues in the trashcan.
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