Colic is one of the most painful infant problems. It causes infants to cry severely for more than 3 hours a day 3 days a week. Its causes are unknown, but it disappears at the age of 3 to 4 months.
The difference between normal crying and colic-associated crying:
There is a difference between normal baby crying and intense crying caused by colic. Normal crying involves crying for up to 2 hours a day. Crying because of colic can last for more than 3 hours a day. Most often, the crying starts suddenly in the evening. Moreover, crying due to colic is more intense than normal crying. Infants with colic may appear in pain or scream.
Other reasons for intense crying:
Hunger: Try feeding your baby to see if hunger is the problem.
Pain: Your baby maybe suffering from pain resulting from the onset of an illness. Check their temperature and whether their clothes or diapers are too tight.
Fatigue: Babies often cry when they feel tired or overstimulated from playing or interacting.
Food allergies: Your baby may be allergic to certain foods (e.g. milk, eggs, nuts, wheat) in the mother's diet. These foods often have a direct effect on the formation of breast milk, causing the infant to have colic and diarrhea. If you notice that your baby cries within an hour of being breastfed, then food allergies may be the reason for your baby’s discomfort.
Treatment and prevention of colic:
- If you bottle-feed your baby, try other bottles to see if they help your baby swallow less air.
- Place your baby in an upright (sitting) position while breastfeeding.
- Walk while carrying your baby to help calm them and make them feel safe.
- Pat or rub the baby's back.
- If you are a breastfeeding mother, follow a hypoallergenic diet, especially if there are other symptoms that confirm the infant's food allergy.
- Ask a friend or family member for support or to take care of the baby while you take a break.
When to see a doctor?
- If your baby cries non-stop for more than two hours;
- If the crying was the result of an injury or a fall;
- If your baby refuses to eat or drink anything for more than a few hours, or vomits excessively;
- If your baby is not urinating well or you see blood in their stool;
- If you see a change in the baby’s behavior (e.g. Lethargy or decreased responsiveness);
- If your baby still cries excessively after the age of 4 months.
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