Child's Health

Child Nutrition


Child Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is what helps people develop and improve their overall health, which ensures efficient and effective daily activities.


Child weight management:

There are many ways to help your child lose weight without affecting his growth; as they are aimed at making sure the child's weight is suitable for his height. Those ways include:

  • Being mindful of the child's psychological state when dealing with his weight, and encouraging him to play and exercise.
  • Engaging your child in an ongoing, preferably group, sports activity of average intensity.
  • Ensuring that your child has high-fiber and low-sugar breakfast meals.
  •  Providing your child with options that are as healthy as possible (such as vegetables and fruits) while maintaining attractive presentation of them.
  • Calculating the needed daily calorie intake and training students to monitor the nutritional value of their food.
  • Dividing the child's daily meals to five small meals to be served on fixed time.
  • Increasing whole-grains in your child's meals, such as: Oats, wheat grains, brown rice and chickpeas.
  • Ensuring that your child drinks two cups of water before eating.  
  • Gradually reducing the amount of sugar added to your child's beverages.
  • It is preferred to provide your child with low-fat dairy products.
  • Making sure that your child's meal does not include more than one type of carbohydrates.
  • Avoid having your child eat fruits or sweets right after eating their meals.
  • Serving natural juices rich in fiber, and educating students about the dangers of soft drinks and energy drinks, as well as the need to refrain from them.
  • Avoiding the use of terms like “diet".   
  • Making sure that those who surround your child follow the same healthy habits.
  • Using healthy cooking tools (like electric fryers) to provide the child's favorite foods with the lowest calories.
  • Allowing your child to eat whatever he desires once or twice a week. It is preferred that he eats such meals in the morning time.
  • Measuring your child's weight on the weighing scale once every 10 days. It is preferred to find different exciting ways to encourage them to hop on the weighing scale.


Diseases that affect the growth of your child:

  • Malnutrition.
  • Genetic diseases.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Anemia.

The treatment of these diseases varies based on the case.

  • Malnutrition: 

This is the most common cause of growth problems in the world, and it occurs mainly because of lack of protein and other nutrients in the body.

 For further information:



Last Update : 10 September 2024 03:23 PM
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