The Ministry seeks to apply the highest possible operational standards to the MOH portal. W3C standards were approved and applied by the MOH, including:
Application of standards which help people with special needs use the portal through special tools for each category. Such standards are called Web Content Accessibility.
AJAX technology, which enables users to benefit from the portal services and information without the need to reload pages.
Providing the ability to modify personal account information by registered users with palm devices.
Displaying portal content in two languages (Arabic and English), which contributesto the achievement of one of the W3 standards. If you are using browsers with different languages, content will automatically be displayed in the correct language format for each.
All designs and images are applied to W3C standards. PNG, JPG and GIF images are used to effectively display images for all portal users.
- Provide a range of visual and health awareness files related to the MOH. These files present a wide range of important medical recommendations on different health topics.