The nations worldwide compete with each other to apply criteria aimed at achieving advancement and providing high-level services for citizens. As such, more efforts were exerted to combat the tobacco scourge and limit its spread among different groups of society. Such criteria reflect the nations' awareness and keenness to protect the health of their citizens. This comes in the wake of many scientific researches that confirmed all the seriousness of active and passive smoking.
The Saudi Arabia is considered one of the first countries that sought to protect its people from the threat of using tobacco with all its different kinds, given that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has issued a Royal Order on 11/01/1404H (corresponding to 18/10/1983) preventing the tobacco use at ministries and governmental institutions and offices.
The Kingdom has gone on with its achievements by ratifying the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) dated 2/3/1425H (corresponding to 21/4/2004). The Kingdom's Ministry of Health (MOH) has made another achievement by developing a special program to combat smoking. This program oversees many awareness activities and a series of clinics offering treatment services and awareness campaigns for many citizens in various parts therein.
These achievements were culminated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques' decision to form the National Tobacco Control Committee on 1/2/1428H (corresponding to 19/2/2007). This committee includes in its membership the most influential ministries and high-profile agents. This formation reflects the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques' keenness to activate this committee and facilitate its work; so that it can, with the help of our Almighty Allah, takes firm stances against the tobacco use and its threat on the citizen's health and state's resources.
A recent decision was issued banning the tobacco use at all Kingdom's airports and imposing a fine on violators. Another decision was issued to prevent the sale of tobacco products to those under the age of eighteen. In addition, the King issued a decision to ban smoking at all Kingdom's universities.
It is worth mentioning that the MOH, through this program, seeks to limit the threats of smoking and improve the health situation in this generous country. Every year, statistics show that the tobacco use is responsible for a large number of chronic diseases and deaths in the world.
On conclusion, we are delighted to brief you on the Tobacco Control Program as well as a summary on the most important achievements and activities, praying for our Almighty Allah to accept this work from us.
Dr. Ali bin Muhammad Al-Wadei,
Supervisor General of Tobacco Control Program