Health Days 2017

World Polio Day
The day is celebrated every year to eradicate polio which is a priority for governments, and to implement the strategy to eradicate polio, based on preventing infection by immunizing every child until transmission stops and the world becomes polio-free, as well as adopting polices and having the required funds to put the prescribed strategy in place.
WHO is a partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, the largest private-public partnership for health, which has reduced polio by 99%. Polio now survives only among the world's poorest and most marginalized communities.
  • Polio is an infectious disease and potentially fatal.
  • There is no cure for polio, but it can be prevented through safe and effective vaccines.
  • Polio cases have been decreased by 99% since 1988.
  • Every child is at risk until total eradication of the disease.
  • Immunize every single child with polio vaccine to ensure a polio-free world.
  • Prevent transmission of poliovirus as soon as possible, especially in 3 countries where polio remains endemic (Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan).
  • Achieve the ultimate goal to eradicate polio worldwide.
  • Contribute to developing health organizations, enhancing routine immunization activities and monitoring communicable diseases systematically. 
Official Date:
  • Globally: October 24t, 2017
  • Locally: Safar 3rd, 1439H.
Theme of World Polio Day:
We're Close to Ending the Second Human Disease in History
Target Groups:
  • Children, aged 5 years and below.
  • Health professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and health educators.
  • Concerned individuals.
  • People with weak immunity, and those who travel frequently.
  • Health decision-makers.
  • Health societies and organizations.
  • The public.
Related Links:
  • End polio
         https://www. endpolio. org
  • Polio eradication
         http://polioeradication. org/
  • CDC
         https://www. cdc. gov
The World Day fact sheet is to be emailed to the General Department for Health Enhancement and Health Education:
Hpromotion@moh. gov. sa
Last Update : 02 November 2017 09:34 AM
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