The international Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries each October, to raise awareness about the disease. Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors resulting from the abnormal growth of breast cells. It is by far the most common cancer in women of different ages. The breast cancer awareness campaigns and research funding have helped enhance the speed of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Therefore, survival rates have improved, and death toll has decreased due to the early breast screening and new therapies.
- Breast cancer is the top cancer in women worldwide and in the Kingdom.
- Breast cancer does occur in men too, but at a lower rate.
- The rates of breast cancer incidence are increasing in all world countries.
- Over the next 20 years, breast cancer cases expected to soar 4 time more in the Middle East.
- It is observed that breast cancer mortality rates have decreased in developed countries due to early screening programs and modern therapy.
- Breast cancer affects Saudi women at an early age compared to developed countries, imposing socio-economic burdens.
- Most cases are detected at later stages, leading to lower rate of recovery.
- Recovery rate of early detected cases may exceed 90%.
- Raising public awareness about the breast cancer, the importance of early screening, and the most vulnerable groups.
- Boost awareness about causes of breast cancer, and ways of prevention.
- Promote awareness on the importance of early screening procedures, such as mammogram, to detect abnormal changes in women, and breast self-examination.
- Encourage comprehensive breast cancer control programs as part of the national cancer control plans.
- Support breast cancer patients and scientific researches.
Official Date:
- Globally: October 1st-31st, 2017
- Locally: Muharram 1st- Safar 11th 1439H.
Theme of Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
You Are Life … Check Yourself to Reassure Us
Target Groups:
- All women, particularly those aged between 18 to 60 years.
- Breast cancer health associations and organizations, doctors and health practitioners in hospitals and centers.
- The public.
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