Communicable Diseases

Common Cold
​Cold and seasonal flu symptoms are similar, but flu tends to be more severe. Colds usually spread in winter and spring but they can strike at any time of the year, and yet, there is no remedy for the colds. 
What is common cold?
It is viral infection of throat causing a runny nose and high body temperature, and most people can recover from it within 7-10 days.
Types of viruses that cause cold:
1. Rhinoviruses:
They are the most common type, usually spread in the spring and fall. 
2. Human parainfluenza virus:
It causes symptoms very similar to the symptoms of influenza, and there are four types of this virus, one of which spreads in the early summer, but it appears throughout the year. 
3. Respiratory syncytial virus:
It usually affects younger people, and may cause symptoms similar to those of asthma and may require hospitalization. It occurs most of the year and its incidence increases in the fall at the global level. 
  • ​​​Although many types of respiratory viruses can cause common colds, rhinoviruses are the most common cause. They can cause asthma attacks resulting from sinusitis and ear infections. 
  • ​A runny nose and sore throat are among the first symptoms that appear when you have a cold, followed by:
  • Coughing.
  • Sneezing.
  • Headache.
  • Body aches.

  • Most people recover from a cold within around 7–10 days.
When to see a doctor?
  • Symptoms last longer than 10 days.
  • Symptoms are severe or unusual.
  • A child is under 3 months of age and has a fever or lethargy.
  • Having chronic diseases.
  • Wash and sanitize your hands frequently.
  • Avoid contact with others when symptoms appear.
  • Avoid taking antibiotics without consulting a doctor.
  • Be sure to get seasonal flu vaccinations.​

Last Update : 30 June 2022 11:47 AM
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