Arthritis is a group of unknown etiology disease. It refers to a group of disorders that involve the body's joints and have similar symptoms, including pain, stiffness, and swelling. It causes two types of pain as follows:- Acute arthritis that causes severe pain for a short time then it disappears and then returns again after a period of time.
- Chronic pain accompanied by mild and constant pain.
Treatments for the condition vary (depending on the extent of the disease and other factors) but most of these treatments mostly analgesics. There are several types of arthritis, each having both common and unique characteristics.
Patients with arthritis, those with minor and moderate levels can perform hajj with much caution and care, so as to avoid any serious complications, God forbid.
The arthritis patients (who were allowed to Hajj) must take into
account the following matters:- Visiting doctor and getting his consent to allow them to Hajj
- Using medicines that are prescribed by the doctor with a specific dose and on time to avoid the excruciating pain of arthritis during Hajj, God willing.
- Ensuring the hygiene and cleanliness of the food and drink, and staying away from crowded places.
- Getting enough rest and sleep.
- Avoiding fatigue and stress, and using means that help patients to move, such as wheelchairs during Tawaf and Sa'I or when feeling tired and fatigue.
- Patients with severe arthritis should not go to Hajj in order to avoid complications. Allaah has enjoined Hajj (for those who can afford it).