The coronavirus is the virus responsible for causing what is known as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. This virus causes severe viral infections with high mortality rates. The infection spreads to humans through direct or indirect contact with infected camels, especially when visiting farms, markets or barns where the virus has spread. For this reason, it is important to maintain personal hygiene and wash hands regularly before and after being in contact with animals. It is also advisable to avoid contact with sick animals, adhere to good hygienic practices when handling foods and finally avoid drinking fresh camel milk or eating uncooked camel meat.
It was proved that the coronavirus could possibly spread from one person to another, knowing that most cases of human-to-human transmission has been so far observed among healthcare workers.
Coronavirus Symptoms:
Severe respiratory symptoms accompanied by fever, coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
Modes of Transmission and Infection:
Due to lack of sufficient information about the virus characteristics, doctors suggest that the coronavirus is probably transmitted like other infectious diseases, through:
- Direct contact with the droplets dispersed when a patient coughs or sneezes.
- Indirect contact by touching surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus and then touching the nose, eyes or mouth.
- Direct contact with infected people, animals and their products.
So far, there is no sufficient information available about the virus characteristics and modes of transmission, which is why the Ministry of Health is coordinating with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a number of international experts to find out more. However, until more information is available about the ways the virus spreads, the Ministry advises citizens and visitors to adhere to the following health instructions to control influenza and respiratory infections in general:
- Wash hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizers, especially after coughing, sneezing or using the bathroom.
- Wash hands before and after handling or preparing food.
- Use paper napkins to cover the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and immediately dispose of these napkins in the wastebasket. If no napkins are available, it is preferable to sneeze or cough into the arm and not the hands.
- Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands as much as possible. Hands could transmit the infection after contact with contaminated surfaces.
- There is a consensus among doctors that there is no need to wear protective medical masks, unless when visiting a patient.
- Maintain healthy habits such as getting a well-balanced diet, enough exercise and sufficient sleep.
- Maintain personal hygiene.
- Avoid close contact with infected people.
- It is important to regularly contact your doctor to get the latest updates from the Ministry of Health about the disease.
Coronavirus vaccine:
So far, there are no vaccines available for the virus worldwide.
There are no vaccines or specific treatments available for this disease so far, but doctors have agreed to give supporting treatments to handle any complications and alleviate their impact until the patient is no longer in any danger.
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