By Allah’s Grace, the ICU team of children hospital-Taif has successfully treated a two-and-half years old child suffering from Respiratory Distress Syndrome (R.D.S.), recurrent pulmonary bleeding and bacterial shock joined with malfunction of many organs. The child was put on the high frequency ventilator for three weeks. Then, she was put on the ordinary ventilator for two weeks, with drugs to improve her heart blood circulation and to treat her malfunctioning organs. Then, she was referred to the inpatient departments for further treatment, Later, she was discharged from the hospital in good health, thank Allah.
On the other hand, in its 2017 achievements report, MoH added 65 new healthcare centers, making all health centers across the Kingdom into 2,390 instead of 2,325. These centers have helped provide facility-based health services to over 300 thousand citizens. These centers have been enhanced with necessary manpower, appliances and medical supplies. Also, new 39 centers are designated to operate for longer hours up to 11:00pm. In so doing, 204 centers so far operate up to 11:00pm instead of 165 centers before. MoH seeks to provide comprehensive coverage across the Kingdom, to reduce congestion and to meet the beneficiaries’ needs. Hence, more manpower (highly trained doctors) have been supplied, in addition to training the existing medical and administrative staff and providing security services in all centers on duty.