In collaboration with the National Commercial Bank, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has designated a contest for public and private schools (both male and female campuses) across the Kingdom in the “Wa3i” Awareness Award in its second season. In so doing, MoH seeks to all school staff, including teachers and students, to create a spirit of competition and to foster school health in a creative way.
According to MoH, schools can participate through a short film not exceeding 3 minutes; which creatively handles any health topic, or presents a health experience organized by the school. This will in turn enhance health awareness in the community in general, ans in schools in particular.
In that vein, the suggested topics includes: Healthy food, physical exercise, oral and dental health, obesity, smoking, soft drinks, use of smart devices, lifestyles of students and health awareness of teachers; in order to boost health awareness, foster healthy behaviors by both students and teachers.
MoH has allocated 10 award ranks, where the first winner school receives SR 100,000, the second SR 70,000, the third SR 60,000, the fourth SR 40,000, the fifth SR 25,000, while from the sixth to 10th winners will receive SR 10,000.
It is noted that school participation features a competition category in “Wa3i” Award in its second season. To get more information on terms, conditions and Award standards, please visit the Award portal:, where all participations will be received. Kindly note that participations Award will be received until Saturday, April 7th, 2018 (corresponding to Rajab 21st, 1439H).